The Sales Transformation Podcast - Ep 14: How to create a transformative enablement model for salespeople

17 June 2021

How to create a transformative enablement model for salespeople


The Sales Transformation Podcast - Ep 14: How to create a transformative enablement model for salespeople


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The efficiency in the way in which we train salespeople is a topic that has been up for much discussion throughout the years. With most companies opting for a sales training approach, Dr Phil and our latest guest, Axel Ferreyrolles, believe in something different – something more transformative.

Axel is the Head of Digital Innovation and Digital Strategy, Global Sales Learning at SAP and is one of the first-ever students to have completed the MSc in Leading Sales Transformation – a one of a kind, nowhere else to be found, Masters programme dedicated to the topic of Sales.

Dr Phil and Axel discuss:

  • Axel’s findings on the efficiency in the way we train salespeople
  • His own personal experience of going on the MSc in Leading Sales Transformation programme and why transformation is so important to salespeople right now
  • What sales leaders need to remember when trying to get the best out of their sales team

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