The Sales Transformation Podcast - Ep 42: How thinking like a challenger brand will lead to success - Stuart Leven

21 April 2022

Enjoy a presentation with Stuart Leven at GST, on how thinking like a challenger brand has lead to multiple successes for his company. In this podcast, Stuart also speaks about the importance of changing the sales mindset within his team, and the importance of standing out from your competitors.



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In this episode of the Transformation Podcast, we hear from Stuart Leven on how thinking like a challenger brand can lead to success.

Look forward to exploring this topic with various insightful examples: 

  • [6:06] Taking the lighthouse position
  • [14:29] Changing the mindset of the team
  • [18:09] Learning from other successful companies


Also, enjoy a short Q&A at the end of the podcast with Stuart Leven.

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