Over 100 Sales Apprenticeship Students!

16 February 2020

Consalia is delighted to announce that, with the latest cohort of apprenticeship students starting their programme in February, there are now over 100 students embarked on a sales apprenticeship. This milestone shows the success of the programme for employers and employees alike.

The Sales apprenticeship degree programme offers students the opportunity to obtain a BSc (Hons) in Professional Practice B2B Sales through a work-based learning programme developed by Consalia in conjunction with Middlesex University and Leeds Trinity University. The first students joined the programme in 2018 and will graduate in 2021. The latest cohort takes the number participating to over 100, from companies as diverse as Royal Mail, BT, Whitbread, Microsoft, E.ON, Simply Health, Experian and Amazon.

Dr Philip Squire, CEO of Consalia, comments “We are absolutely delighted to reach this milestone. The programme is proving a great success with very positive feedback from employers and students. We have many examples of the tangible benefits that it is bringing, both in terms of increased business performance and personal development for the participants.”

The Sales apprenticeship degree programme is funded from the UK Government’s apprenticeship levy. Cohorts generally begin in February and September/October. More details can be obtained by contacting Consalia directly.

The photo above shows Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education, recently meeting Royal Mail B2B Sales Apprentices at Royal Mail’s  Sales Centre in Leeds.

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